Tuesday, February 5, 2008

First "Oh No Whats Wrong?"

So we had our second visit to the doctor and Kara had to have some more tests run. We were also going to get to hear the heart beat. I was really excited and couldn't wait because so many men say that hearing the heart beat for the first time is such an emotional experience. We got done will the test and it was time to listen, I was on the edge of my seat. A few minuteds went buy and i didn't hear anything and I could tell the doctor was starting to get a little ansy. She started pushing harder and moving around alot more. What is going on? The doctor said she could hear something but it wasn't the heart beat. By that time I was out of the chair and right next to the doctor thinking "What can I do?"

The doctor tells us she is imapatient and wants to go have a look. So we got another sonogram out of the deal and the baby is fine! Thank god! But I still haven't heard the heart beat. I feel like a kid the week before Christmas. I can see the presents under the tree but cant see what the actual gift is and I don't think Kara would appreciate me holding her in the air and shaking her vigourously. Oh well maybee next time!!!